Mind of a Liberal, Heart of a Conservative


I figured since one, I used to live in Florida, and two, I now live in NYC where protests seem to be getting absurd, I might as well add my two cents to the Trayvon Martin debacle that has the plebeians so up in arms.

Let me start off by saying I am a liberal, and have been an advocate of protests for as long as I can remember, but of the more molotov kind. Hell, I go so far as to put R.A.F. on my twitter bio (for you ignorant souls, that means Red Army Faction). I find Occuppy Wall St, and this most recent T.M. protests to be puny and misguided; that is not even mentioning Anonymous which I have the utmost hatred for and will soon devote an entire blog post to.  What can now be witnessed, and belittled by the clowns at Fox News are a bunch of young retards, running around screaming about things they truly do not understand. Now, for the meat and potatoes:

George Zimmerman is a tool, seriously the dude blows. Only the worst kind of people are “community watchers” …my high school career was spent living in a gated community in South Florida, so I am well aware and versed in the inner workings of “unofficial police duty.”  Trayvon Martin, for whatever his short comings were, did not deserve to meet the untimely end that he did.

Moving forward, Zimmerman went on trial and stood before a “jury of his peers” (I pulled that directly from the Bill of Rights ).  Those 12 people decided that based on the charges, the STATE LAWS of Florida, and the evidence, that he should be acquited. The legal system spoke, and now people are pissed. Pissed, not because justice was not served, but because it was served and they just happened to disagree with its outcome. Now, if there is anything that I love about America (and trust me, there are very few things) it is the god damn legal system we have here. By far, the best in the world sans Israel (If someone makes a comment that the Arabs dont have the same rights as the Jews I will come to your house and punch you in the neck).

As I said before, I love protesting, but when it is informed and meaningful protesting. Taking to the streets because you say justice was not served shows a gross misunderstanding of our justice (sic) system.  You can talk about all the different examples of racism in the legal system, and you would be 100% correct! However, this is the system we have and I will take this above all us.  A funny aside, last night I was on 23rd and Park watching the protestors walk down 23rd st. and was discussing this topic with a buddy of mine only to have a black girl say to me “You support the justice system because you are white”

To my last point are the state laws that nobody seems to understand. This was a state, not a federal case! So for you fools to call on Obama to step in shows how little you understand our federal system.  Furthermore, there is a thing in Florida called the “Stand Your Ground Law.” As a young socialist activist, I rallied as hard as I could to stop that from passing, as I was able to foresee the absurdities it would bring to our society, as is so evidenced by this T.M. issue. However, that passed and is now law. So juries have to decide a court case based on the laws of the state, as it is a state case and not federal (I repeat this point to drive it home).  What these idiots should be protesting is the Republican-dominated State Senate that passed that abominable law, nothing else. Idiot Republicans fetishize their self-defense and gun rights and shit like this happens, will they ever learn?

You might say I dont have a heart, but I would disagree, its just a little more to the right than is my logical thinking.

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2 Responses to “Mind of a Liberal, Heart of a Conservative”

  1. How a gated community childhood leads to knowing how life in the ghetto should be run is a mystery. Stand your ground is for the peeps who have to deal with the do not give a fuck lunatics. Prison does not worry them at all. Every ghetto is full of these animals. Still enjoy your blog sir. You have heart. No doubt.

  2. chuck bennett

    Very nice.

    However, are you sure you don’t have a fetish for Republicans?

    democrips and repbloodicans. you really want to pick you?


    Chuck Bennett

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