A Confederacy of Dunces


There is a wave of degeneracy and bigotry that is sweeping the world, and unless you are in tune with its movements and motives you will not realize the widespread implications and consequences.  I refer specifically to the BDS; the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel.  Mind you, this is a group of people, mostly NOT Palestinian, who advocate for divestment against the entirety of Israel. Which political party runs the government, matters naught. These debaucherous clowns call for a full economic and political boycott of a sovereign nation. The leaders of said movement claim that is because they do not agree with the “illegal occupation” of Palestinian lands, or the matter in which the government supports the building of settlements on historically Jewish land. Whatever the reason supplied, it always comes down to their hatred of Israel and its Jewish citizens (though they would never admit that publicly).

Now, if these individuals wanted to boycott a particular government, for example, the Likud-dominated administration of Benjamin Netanyahu, then that would be alright. More than that, it would be wonderful to see people expressing their political opinions in such an enthused manner, no matter how misguided those opinions might turn out to be.  However, they attempt to force organizations, companies and goverments to completely cut ties to the whole country. If I didnt know any better, it would sound to me like the BDS movement is rather uncomfortable with the idea of a Jewish state.  They of course, do not agree. They claim any number of absurd ideas about stealing land, UN colonization, and of course the dreaded word, “apartheid.”  It is in these endeavors that they spread hatred for the country, the army (Israeli Defense Forces), and its citizens. 

What is most disturbing, besides their gross misunderstanding of history, is that BDS and its members claim to be acting under the guise of “anti-Zionism.” Though a bigoted opinion by nature, this hatred does not stop at the members’ deference to the religiously-based political movement of Zionism.  Instead it takes on a tone of hatred for the citizens of the targeted country. Insofar as the movement calls for isolation of Israel, no matter who is at the helm and no matter what the official government policy is towards the Palestinians, they are preaching a subtle form of anti-Semitism, for Israel is first and foremost a Jewish state.

Unfortunately, I will not be providing an indepth look at this movement of bigotry as this is still iBankCoin and not The Forward. My motivation for this post came when my buddy, and contributor to this site, @Rhino, forwarded me this article: http://t.co/DoPbOEZW1D 

I grew up in California before moving to South Florida, and am very aware of the clusterfuck that is that state. But, sometimes, some shit just goes too far. In this case, the University of California Regents voted to appoint an openly anti-Zionist and self-proclaimed hater of Israel. Sadia Saifuddin, though slightly attractive, is known at the University of Berkeley for her fervent support of the BDS movement. Furthermore, she has planned and participated in “Apartheid Weeks” which are nothing more than a facade for the cultivation of anti-Semitism on campuses. Now, I know many of you plebs will denounce this post for Islamaphobia and other such nonsense. But, my disagreement over her appointment has nothing do with a supposed dislike for Islam or where she was born or even what type of person she is. It is all based on her political opinions, which are interwoven with a hatred that is unnacceptable. Look, I am all about freedom of speech. In these pages you will constantly find me defending civil liberties and human rights. The thing is that she is now in a position of power to dictate policy to students of the UC system. To have such farfetched beliefs that threaten the destruction of a country and its citizens is to go too far. The UC board should never of had her name on the ballot. They claim she is an “outstanding student” …its Berkeley, of course she is outstanding! To be outstanding is a dime a dozen at that university.

In conclusion, anyone that is intimately associated with BDS should not be nominated for a position of power and influence. It is a movement of hatred, founded in ignorance. Shame on you, UC boardmembers.

5 Responses to “A Confederacy of Dunces”

  1. How the fuck you are a liberal is a question for the gods. You seem to spot fascism when it affronts personal issues.

  2. 1. Are you in the JIDF?

    2. To Rhino, I think everybody at iBC misses you.

  3. The Once and Future Rhino

    Oh, and I don’t really contribute here anymore, I don’t want to piss anybody off.

  4. The Once and Future Rhino

    It’s actually @Rhino_Cap, but otherwise, well written. So the thing I don’t get about the settlements is are they Jewish only, and aren’t they like kinda in the desert? Isn’t there enough land to go around? Like if people keep building east past Stockton and Modesto, who fucking cares?

  5. Good writing, Harper!

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